Bank Mortgage Fraud – As easy as 1 – 2 – 3.

Which one did you fall for? Was it (1) the False-payment-and-receipt technique? Or (2) the Fictitious-consideration technique? Or (3) the Bait-and-switch technique?

When you sign what you have been conditioned to call a mortgage, you are in fact advancing real-estate-secured-credit to the bank

The bank strips off all of the assets, titles, and securities as a premium for itself, and then returns or reinsures a mirror-image otherwise duplicate of the same credit to you as unsecured-credit, which you then assign by check / cheque to the vendor / seller of the property.

So how does the bank avoid having to repay you for the credit that it obtains from you?

In about half of all cases the bank and its solicitor employ either or both of the Fictitious-consideration technique or the Bait-and-switch technique. 

In the other half they employ the False-payment-and-receipt technique where the solicitor gets you to swear under oath and penalty of perjury that you have already received the loan money / proceeds from the bank when in fact you have not (as for example):

“In consideration of the Principal Amount of lawful money of Canada, now paid by the Mortgagee [bank]  to the Mortgagor [nominal borrower], the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Mortgagor [nominal borrower] doth grant and mortgage unto the Mortgagee [bank], its successors and assigns forever, ALL AND SINGULAR the Lands subject only to the Permitted Encumbrances.”

As and when the writings are signed, witnessed, sworn-under-oath and notarized, and delivered / registered, the payment and receipt clauses are objectively and verifiably false. The bank has paid in fact no money, lawful or otherwise, to anyone, it does not concurrently do so, and it is expressly under no obligation to do so in the future. 

And that falsified-receipt is the only thing that the bank ever contributes to the financial transaction. It is the same throughout most of the world.

The other two techniques are just as flagrantly criminal (i.e., once they are pointed out).

But regardless of which of the three techniques are used the result is the same – No right of property in any of the assets, titles, or securities ever passes to the bank, and a constructive trust in favour of the nominal / pretended borrower is created as and when the securities are signed and sworn

If you have ever issued a mortgage to a financial institution, then there is a commensurate amount of a new Gold-limited and Equity-based crypto-currency held in trust for you in the WEREX Equity Trust.

There is no cost to obtain your equity entitlement under the Trust – You already own it.